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What’s Your Pivot Play? Featuring: Movement & Soul


This week on “What’s Your Pivot Play?”, we’re featuring a locally-owned yoga business, Movement & Soul. With an alarming increase in mental health challenges amongst Canadians due to the pandemic and economic uncertainty this year, businesses like this one are needed now more than ever. We spoke with Chantal Santos, the Creative Director and Owner, to learn more about why she launched this business and how she hopes to help individuals cope with increased levels of stress and tension.

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Some of the hardest decisions you make can have the greatest impact on your life!
— Chantal Santos, Creative Director, Movement & Soul

 1.) What was your business/job pre-COVID and how long have you been in operation?

Most recently, I was working in the healthcare industry as a Physiotherapy Assistant (PTA) at a local clinic. As a PTA, you work with physiotherapists to deliver the appropriate rehabilitation to individuals with a variety of injuries/health concerns. Before working as a PTA, I was a dance instructor for over 10 years; I taught a variety of styles from drop-in beginner jazz classes, to acrobatics for competitive dancers. I’ve always been interested in helping individuals improve their health and wellbeing, which led me to launch my new business - Movement & Soul - we’ve been up and running since August 2020!

2.) What has been your biggest challenge and what did you do to pivot this year in order to adapt during COVID?

I think my biggest challenge was finally letting go of what no longer served me. You get comfortable in a lifestyle that becomes a ‘good enough’ type of situation. When we went into lockdown, it put A LOT of things into perspective for me. I think it forced many of us to sit with ourselves and re-evaluate every aspect of our lives. I was able to practice more yoga, dedicate the necessary time for self-care, reconnect with myself and my loved ones. I always planned on teaching yoga after completing my teacher training, but COVID gave me the extra push I needed to launch Movement & Soul.

3.) What is your best piece of advice for anyone in business or life who is currently struggling?      

If I find myself getting into old thought patterns or having self-doubt, I go back to words that have always resonated with me; get comfortable with being uncomfortable, embrace the unknown, and lean in.

4.) What's your favourite charitable cause or organization?

It’s hard to choose just one, but I’d have to say CAMH, which supports those experiencing mental health challenges.

5.) What are the silver linings or positive lessons you've taken away from this year?

Some of the hardest decisions you make can have the greatest impact on your life! Also, not to take seeing your friends and family for granted - make more time for them. Life gets busy, but there are no guarantees, and you never know the last time you’ll see them or spend time with them!

6.) Who are you looking to work with for the remainder of 2020 and how can people contact you?

Movement & Soul is dedicated to offering yoga and wellness to every body of all abilities - whether it’s a sports or dance team, a company looking to incorporate wellness into their workday, or an organization looking for something different. You can follow us on Instagram @movementandsoulofficial, visit our website or email us at

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