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What's Your Pivot Play? Featuring: Drawbox Incorporated

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We spoke with our friend Ashley Hassard of Drawbox Inc. to hear some of the ways in which this business has been affected by the global pandemic this year and how they’ve adapted. A Toronto-based multidisciplinary design and fabrication agency, this group of talented individuals have worked together to overcome the challenges of this year, while continuing to produce impressive installations for big brand names. Having worked with clients like Adidas, Crave, Absolut Vodka, Visa and TIFF, the creativity and passion this team exudes is incomparable. Get to know Drawbox Inc. below and don’t forget to give them a follow on social!

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1.) What was your business pre-COVID and how long have you been in operation?

Pre-COVID, Drawbox was a design and fabrication agency that specialized in creating turn-key branding solutions for custom marketing needs. 

2.) What did you do to pivot this year in order to adapt to COVID?

In terms of pivoting, we were truthfully pretty lucky in the sense that we didn’t really have to adapt that much. Obviously we had to close shop for a while, and that was definitely tough, but once things were able to open again, we were really fortunate to be able to pick up where we left off, at least in terms of fabrication.

The main thing that really changed for us was that we had to start designing marketing assets with COVID safety in mind, so many of the pieces that we were creating now had to come with acrylic shields, and a lot of the activations we were pitching now had to be contactless. Our most recent fabrication was for the drive-in TIFF movie theatre down by Ontario Place – it was pretty cool!

3.) What is your best piece of advice for anyone in business currently struggling? 

I think the biggest piece of advice I could give to someone currently struggling would be to remember your “Why”. I think it’s really easy for many in today’s society to get caught up in the “what” it is that they do, when in reality, the true strength of your business power comes in knowing your “why”, why it is you’re doing what you’re doing.

Knowing your “why” not only allows you to approach each new challenge with vision and purpose, but, I believe, it also allows you to be a bit more flexible with how you approach those challenges - a key component when it comes to adapting or challenging business models in unprecedented times. 

4.) What's your favourite charitable cause or organization?

There are so many, but as a Canadian company that celebrates and thrives on the strength, diversity, and unique perspectives of its own multicultural team, we’re big supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement.

As well, being a female co-led design and fabrication company, we’re super excited to support many of the incredible organizations that are dedicated to bridging the professional gender gap and increasing the number of women in STEM careers. 

5.) Who are you looking to work with for the remainder of 2020 and how can people contact you?

Literally anyone and everyone - while 2020 has definitely been a year of struggle, it’s also a year of awakening, a year of professional (and personal) growth, and a year of endless possibility.

So many individuals, companies, agencies, and brands are taking this moment to really redefine who they are, strategically reassess how they connect with their audiences, and find new and innovative ways to market safely & with purpose - and we are just so thrilled to be able to help them facilitate all of that.

If you or anyone you know are looking for custom design or fabrication build definitely don’t hesitate to reach out.

We’re available at: | @DrawboxDesign |